June 13, 2022

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Plumbing Horror Stories III

PlumbingHorrorStories_BlogTeaser-(2).jpgDays are growing darker. Leaves are falling. Pumpkins are popping up on every doorstep. You know what that means: it’s time for spine-tingling tales of PLUMBING NIGHTMARES!
Tale one: Things that go bump in the night (or day)
That tapping or banging in your walls? Don't chalk it up to tommyknockers. Improperly secured pipes plus an effect called a pressure hammer (aka water hammer or hydraulic shock) can result in quite a racket when using your faucets.

Over time, this could cause wear and tear on your pipes and valves, so it's a good idea to address the problem early. Some typical fixes include installing a water arrester, lowering to overall water pressure in the house, fixing loose pipe supports (or adding them if what you have isn't sufficient), and removing any air buildup in the system.
Tale two: The tell-tale drip
You're alone in the house when you hear it.
Drip, drip, drip…
All the faucets are off. You've tightened each one. Twice. Still, you hear it.
Drip, drip, drip…
You’ve checked the outside faucets. It isn't raining; it hasn't rained for days.
Drip, drip, drip…
You’re not sure what’s more frightening:
A) All the campfire story explanations buzzing through your brain.
B) The unknown and unexpected expense of plumbing repairs—potentially behind your drywall.
C ) The chilling possibility there's a fiendish mutant mold monster growing and spawning in the walls, rotting your structure and—

Ok, probably not option C. But, while unexplained dripping noises in your house may not be cause for panic, they might certainly be cause for concern. The problem could be benign, such as a pipe that’s expanding when you use hot water, then rubbing against a joist or fitting as it cools. Or, it could be something more serious, like a leak under your cabinet or inside a wall or ceiling. When in doubt, it's best to consult a professional.
Tale three: The wailing walls
Was that a fog horn? By train? The shriek of a bathroom banshee?
If you hear a moaning sound coming from your walls, you might have better luck calling a plumber than a ghostbuster—especially if the sound comes soon after you’ve run a faucet or toilet. Despite the ghastly noise, the culprit is more likely a faulty washer or valve than a restless spirit.
Do any of these noises sound familiar? ARS®/Rescue Rooter® will be happy to help! Call 1-800-277-9400 today.

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